Contribute for the better good

Scrum Overview

I just posted an update to the Agile Scrum definition on Wikipedia. It has been a while since I've made updates to this definition and others on the free online encyclopedia.  It's actually quite cathartic to contribute to something like Wikipedia, for no other reason then to help others.  I've been asked a lot of questions recently about Agile Scrum and its applicability to my current project.  Though I'm happy that people value my opinion, I figured it was time I revisited Wikipedia and make sure the items I've edited in the past still pass muster.  Sure enough, without telling anyone that I am one of the contributors, I've received two  emails linking to the Wikipedia definitions with notes like "You should check this out".   I hope by continuing to make contributions and updates to publicly available PM related topics, people will be exposed to my work if they know it or not. Have a great day and feel free to leave a comment!

Regards, Derek

(Image by drewpreston on flickr)