Daily RSS Feed Reads Over a Cup of Coffee — Derek Huether

Daily RSS Feed Reads Over a Cup of Coffee

As one of the items on my personal "resolutions" kanban for 2010, I shortened my list of RSS feeds I've subscribed to.  I will now only keep the RSS feeds in Google Reader that I can actually zero out by Friday close of business. Too many times, we grow these unmanageable lists of feeds, only to see them grow and grow.  As a project manager, you don't accept more and more work, until tasks are completely unmanageable.  Why should reading be any different?  In order to handle tasks, both management and reading, I allocate time for planned "work" and unplanned "work". The more people I follow on Twitter, the more recommended blog posts I read (unplanned) on a daily basis.  I now find myself reading more of these posts than my (planned) RSS reading. My colleague Sridhar of Hyderabad, India, asked if I would provide a list of RSS feeds I subscribe to.  The topics I am interested in include:  Project Management (who would have thought), Agile, Kanban, and Entrepreneurial topics.  I'll admit this is not a complete list.  I also like to see pictures of epic kludges and jury rigs and pictures of the people of Walmart.

Here is my list of RSS Feed Reads (in alphabetical order) that I enjoy over a cup of coffee:

  1. Agile Development Blog
  2. Alec Satin - People, Projects, and Process
  3. CottagePM.com - Project Management for the rest of us
  4. Deep Fried Brain - PMP Exam Prep
  5. Geoff Crane - Solid Portfolio Management with a sharp wit
  6. How to Manage a Camel - Project Management
  7. Jason Calacanis - CEO of Mahalo.com and creator of This Week In StartUps
  8. Jim Benson - Personal Kanban
  9. Josh Nankivel - Founder of PM Student and creator of WBS Coach
  10. Mike Cottmeyer - Agile Leadership and Project Management
  11. Mixergy - Where the ambitious learn from experienced mentors