Creeping Ever So Closer To Closure

As my startup project is creeping ever so closer to its closure and the actual launch of the product happens, I'm feverishly completing activities late into the night.  It's not easy working crazy hours to get this done.  My family goes to bed, I drink a pot of coffee, and get to work.  An entrepreneur (Jason Calacanis) once said starting is easy; finishing is hard.

He wasn't kidding!  As a project manager, managing my own project for a product related to project management, you can see there is a little irony.  But, I really think this is going to help a lot of people and it will be worth all of the sleepless nights.

Today's activities included

  1. Initial rebrand of the HueCubed twitter page
  2. Initial load of the new HueCubed logo to the website
  3. Set up the blog component
  4. Post 1 free question and answer (with the plan to do it daily)
  5. Load 10 questions and answers into the database

Mission accomplished.  I completed the 5 activities and am ready to call it a day (night).  Though we're not quite ready to launch, please feel free to follow me or subscribe via the RSS feed.

Thank you all; and to all a good night.