Luck versus Opportunity

TimoutLuck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity - Seneca (Roman philosopher). Yesterday, I finally pulled the trigger on transferring the blog from Godaddy to PowerVPS.  I saw an opportunity to transfer my blog over to cloud hosting versus just sitting on a shared drive.  My blog now joins my other properties, PM Prep Flashcards and PDU Library. In the days leading up to the transfer, I made sure I had my recent backups (both files and databases).  Note that my app developers are distributed and using Subversion so source code has always been safe. The only thing at risk was my blog and I have multiple copies in multiple locations.  If you're reading this, it means we're running on new hardware and a new network.  For the most part, the transfer went well.    There never seems to be a good time to transfer a domain and when you have a blog running on Wordpress, you also have to be prepared for a few hiccups.  If you're lucky, you don't run into any issues.

Well, the site is about 95% up.  Because I still need to configure email, related to the domain, I don't have the contact form displayed.  I also have a few back-end issues, each related to server configuration.  None are a big deal and I think the site will be 100% by the end of the day.  Now if only the DNS would propagate the change in IP faster.

I look forward the future, now that this one monkey is off my back.  I'm not 100% rid of Godaddy but I learned some lessons from this domain transfer.