PMI Agile Exam Tools and Techniques

50 percent of the PMI Agile certification exam will be comprised of questions about tools and techniques.  The PMI Agile Certification team grouped the tools and techniques it 10 areas. The toolkits below are ranked in the order of their relative importance within the tools and techniques section of the exam.

1 Communications
2 Planning, monitoring, and adapting
3 Agile Estimation
4 Agile analysis and design
5 Product quality
6 Soft skills negotiation
7 Value-based prioritization
8 Risk management
9 Metrics
10 Value stream analysis


Want an example of what you will find within the Communications area? Some tools and techniques included but are not limited to information radiators, team space, agile tooling, osmotic communications for collocated and/or distributed teams, and daily stand-ups. PMI Agile Tools and Techniques

Remember, 50% of the exam will be dedicated to Tools and Techniques and 50% will be dedicated to Knowledge and Skills.

HT: PMI Agile Certification Examination Content Outline