Public Speaking — Blog — Derek Huether

Public Speaking

My AgileDC 2011 Session

AgileDC has come and gone but not without sharing memories with old friends and new.  It was great to meet Rory McCorkle of PMI, Howard Sublett of Big Visible, and countless others.  Peter Saddington (of AgileScout) and I even had a chance to hang out, go out for steaks, and have a few drinks. I have to say, AgileDC was a great event.  It was sold out and I scrambled to get tickets for my PMI-ACP learners.  There is something very cool about conferences.  Everyone there has something in common.  Foolishly, I thought I had to pick between the PMI Congress and the AgileDC event.  Jesse Fewell proved that it can be done.  Since we haven't had a chance to meet up face-to-face since the PMI NAC 2010, it was great to catch up a little.  As long as the PMI Congress 2012 is not scheduled on the same day as AgileDC next year, I plan to be there.  Now I just need to get my session ready to submit to PMI!

I want to thank everyone who attended my session, When PMI Introduced the Elephant in the Room.  I'll save details about my session for another blog post. Special thank you to Tonianne DeMaria Barry , co-author of Personal Kanban for attending my session.  Strange how you can "know" so many people from Twitter and never meet them in person.  I guess I just need to get out more.

My session was well received (no fruits or vegetables were thrown) and I received some really positive feedback.  The common note was "Wanted to hear more about the PMI-ACP".

I even convinced Richard Chang of Excella to wear a muscle suit!  In appreciation to him putting him self out there and being an Agile Leader, I won't publish the photos of him.  What happened at AgileDC will stay at AgileDC.

My GLSEC Talk on Slideshare

After my talk at GLSEC, I wanted to make my slide deck available for viewing by the general public.  I noted to the people attending that my presentation was going to be a little heavy on text, so the people reading it later could actually understand what I was talking about. The best talks I've seen have been those where the presenters only referenced their slides from time to time.  Of course, we're all thinking of a Steve Jobs keynote.  But imagine if you viewed his slide deck after the fact?  It would be pretty hard to get detailed information, unless you read a transcript of the event. After reviewing a few methods of distributing my presentation, I decided on slideshare. The original presentation lasted closed to 1 hour. We spent about 15 minutes of my talk playing two interactive games. (Simon Says and Red Light Green Light) Other than the games, the basis of the talk are all in the deck.