
Mapping the PMI-ACP Exam

PMI Agile Exam BreakdownSo, word on the street is the PMI Agile (Project Professional Certified Practitioner) Certification pilot will begin in just a few weeks.  For those interested in participating in the pilot or taking the exam in a few more months, PMI was kind enough to provide an examination content outline.  Though it's only 16 pages in length, I started to reorganize the data so people can see what they're up against.  Download the PMI-ACP Exam Matrix.

Here is a breakdown of the exam

Agile Tools and Techniques (50% of Exam) I'll write another post about that later

Agile Knowledge and Skills (50% of Exam) Percentage of Knowledge and Skill Content / % of Exam Level 1 (65% / 33%)  (18 knowledge/skills) Level 2 (25% / 12%) (12 knowledge/skills) Level 3 (10% / 5%) (13 knowledge/skills)

HT: PMI Agile Certification Examination Content Outline