
Podcast Interview on Personal Kanban

I recently spoke with Dave Prior to discuss Personal Kanban, the ways in which we've each used it to manage the work we have to do, and what it has taught us about ourselves and how we get things done professionally and personally.

Here are some links to people and things I mention in the podcast.

Personal Kanban - Book by Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Berry Jim Benson - Super insightful and nice guy LeanKit - The digital tool to help manage my analog work and life Pomodoro Time 1.1 - Keeps me focused 25 minutes at a time

Agile or Waterfall (Podcast)

Back in late 2010, I was features on the Talking Work podcast. Then in early 2011, I appeared at the WorkOut 2011 conference.  Because Ty Kiisel and Raechel Logan were such gracious hosts each time, I couldn't help but say yes when they recently asked me to make another appearance.  Hear what I have to say, when Ty asks me, "Which is better, Agile or Waterfall?" I love being asked a provocative question and then given full liberty to articulate what I really think.  All too often, people already have their own set of beliefs on a topic. They're polite, but only to a point.  They aren't listening. They're waiting to talk.  Thankfully, Ty and Raechel are good listeners.




Week Ending Nov-13

Wow, it's been a busy week on the blog.  The amount of comments from last week's posts kept me busy clear into this week. Early in the week, I was asked about the RSS feeds that I read daily.  I listed them earlier in the year.  In just a few month, I started using Twitter a lot more and feeds less.  Read more... A retrostpecitve - daily read, then and now

Next, I wrote about how within different areas within organizations, people feel they are the true center of the universe.  Read more... about how I feel people should not forget the larger goal

On Wednesday, I had the opportunity to see a webinar, from VersionOne and their Moving Agile into the Mainstream webinar series.  Read more... about AgileLive

I was then inspired to write about the need to Communicate effectively. See what I think are the best and worst ways to communicate.

On Thursday, I was interviewed for an upcoming podcast about project management and project leadership.  It inspired me to write a post titled Chasing the carrot Read more...

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Chasing the Carrot



I'm certain we all have our price, based on our hierarchy of needs. I do what I do (during the day) to satisfy my need for a steady paycheck (security).  Until a situation presents itself, where I can satisfy that and other needs, I will continue working this engagement and occasionally rant about the injustices of advising.  I will admit, I have it pretty good, being somewhere between Social and Ego on Maslow's hierarchy.  But, what if there is more? That brings me to today's post.  This week I was interviewed by Ty Kiisel and Raechel Logan for an upcoming podcast.  They got my perspective on project management, project leadership, Agile, certifications, and more.  I had a really great time!  So, now I feel like chasing a carrot.  I'm really going to buckle down on getting that PM Network article completed.  I'm really going to get busy on the book.  Look out world, Zombie Project Management is on its way.

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