PMI Global Congress Presentation on VMS

I am back from the PMI Global Congress in Vancouver, British Columbia. My lack of fancy pants went pretty much unnoticed.  I brought plenty of energy (and coffee) to my session and it appears people were very happy with the results.  I was referred to, at one point, as the Energizer Bunny and even the PMI quoted me.

I definitely left people wanting more.  It was an introductory talk and I only had 1:15 to present.  With 20 minutes dedicated to people in the audience working together to create their own Visual Control Systems, I found myself all over the room and loving every second of it.

It was great to meet people I've known for several years via the blog and through the PMI Agile Community of Practice.  It was also great to meet so many new people excited about Agile becoming more mainstream.

Side note: If you saw me limping during my session and at the Congress, it was because I may have a fractured heel.  I guess my OJ Simpson run through the airport to make my flight did it.

Mieruka & Real World Examples


I just submitted my paper to be a speaker  at the PMI Global Congress on the topic of Visual Management Systems (VMS).  Some may know VMS as VCS (Visual Control Systems).   According to Wikipedia, Visual control is a technique employed in many places where information is communicated by using visual signals instead of texts or other written instructions. The design is deliberate in allowing quick recognition of the information being communicated, in order to increase efficiency and clarity. In the Toyota Way, it is also known as mieruka (making visible).  I love the wild and endless variety of real world mieruka! Today I was driving through a school zone when something caught my attention.  It wasn't a police officer yelling at cars to slow down.  It wasn't a sign that said "Slow Childern at Play".  It was a speed limit sign with a radar speed sign attached to it.  On the top you see the proposed speed limit and on the bottom you see the actual.  It wasn't snapping pictures of people speeding passed.  To the contrary, all it was doing was bringing attention to actual vehicle speeds.  As I wrestled to get my speed below 25MPH, I was amazed how well it worked.

Everyone around me slowed their vehicles down, with no more coercion than knowing their speed through real-time visualization control.

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