Geoff Crane, in the time I've known him, has opened my eyes to the area of project leadership many ignore. Geoff looks at things from a human perspective. I know it sounds odd but many of us make objective, quantifiable calculations. Geoff does as well but he doesn't ignore his gut feelings. He writes about his knowledge and experiences on his blog Papercut Edge. Geoff recently wrote a series about destructive behaviors (behaviours for my colleagues in Canada) project leaders need to avoid; 9 of them in fact. As I read each, I found myself nodding my head over and over again. Yep, he nailed that one. Yep, he nailed that one as well.
How did he do it!? How did he describe situations that could have been taken from my biography? Too bad I didn't have Geoff's book several years ago. I could have avoided all 9 destructive behaviors.
- The Sack
- The Magpie
- The Deer in Headlights
- The Hungry Vulture
- The Premature Solutioner
- The Terrier
- The Wanderer
- The Anticipator
- The Reluctant Puppet
When he decided to publish the series as an ebook, I was flattered that he asked me to write the forward. Do yourself a favor. Read his blog. Read his ebook. You'll be glad you did.
Forward from Nine Destructive Behaviors
To be successful as a project leader, you need to know destructive behaviour when you see it. And there is no better tool for this than Geoff's ebook! The Latin saying, ‘praemonitus, praemunitus,’ loosely translates as ‘forewarned is forearmed’. “9 Destructive Behaviours Project Leaders Need to Avoid” is an essential read for any individual wishing to be a successful project leader.
Get a free copy here!